Home Know Our Services

We have solutions to process your payments
and collect your sales remotely.

Open your Business and
Sell Online


Convert your cell phone
in a Dataphone

Charge with Debit and Credit Cards
PSE, Efecty and PagoPIN Express Points.

Know Our Services

Charge in London, China
or the United States

Multi-language, multi-currency
and multi-channel.

Know Our Services

Available payment methods

Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home

Create your 100% Online Account

Easy Homes

WhatsApp Charge

Charge SMS

IVR call

PaymentPIN Express

Pay Mobile App

Collection Link

QR code


Now Online Payments offers the Model
Aggregator for small and medium
Merchants and Entrepreneurs (activation
easy and fast)

Stores and Delivery Restaurants
App (E-commerce)

Send from ELP Control Panel
or from Paga Móvil APP a Request for
Payment to any Cellphone with WhatsApp
in the world

Send a Text Message or SMS to your cell phone
of your Client including a Link of
"Short" Payment

Trigger a call from our IVR
Professional using your Control Panel,
from there you simply enter the number
phone number of your client and the amount to pay,
the rest is done by our system. for It's that simple!

En Linea Pagos has the network of
Highest physical points collection
of the country

Charge your Domiciles, your products or
services quickly from where
you find.

If you want to use your own
format Email to Send a Link
Payment to your Client this is the ideal option

Generate a QR Code from the
Panel COMMERCE control to paste it
easily in your emails

If you are in a Chat through a Chatbox
with your Client, now you can paste a link
to allow you to pay using
any of our available channels


If you are in a Chat through a
Chatbox with your Client, now you can
paste a link to allow you to perform
payment by any of
our available channels

Generate a QR Code from the Panel
TRADE Control to paste it
easily in your emails

If you want to use your own
format Email to Send a Link
Payment to your Client this is the option

Charge your Domiciles, your products or
services quickly from where
you find.

En Linea Pagos has the network of
Highest physical points collection
of the country

Trigger a call from our IVR
Professional using your Dashboard
Control, from there you simply enter
your customer's phone number and name
value to pay, the rest is ours
system. It's that simple!

Send a Text Message or SMS to
your Client's cell phone including a
"Short" Payment Link

Send from ELP Control Panel
or from Paga Móvil APP a Request for
Payment to any Cellphone with WhatsApp
in the world

Stores and Delivery Restaurants
App (E-commerce)

Now Online Payments offers the Model
Aggregator for small and medium size
Merchants and Entrepreneurs (activation
easy and fast)


QR code

Charge Link

Pay Mobile App

PaymentPIN Express

IVR call

Charge SMS

WhatsApp Charge

Easy Homes

Create your 100% Online Account

Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home

Supported CRMs and Shopping Carts

Multiple payment methods, ease for your customers and your business

Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Home VER PLANES DISPONIBLES

¡Tenemos una cuenta para tu Negocio!

Success stories

The European Multinational, with a presence in Colombia, required to implement an automatic debit system for its more than 60,000 Clients in the country. ELP successfully implemented the PAYMENT PORTAL, CHAT BOT, AUTOMATIC DEBIT AND COLLECTION BY WHATSAPP tools.
Corporate Client
With billions of pesos placed in the Colombian market and thousands of associates, JURISCOOP, one of the most important Cooperatives in the country, required an administration system for the payment of its clients' financial obligations, ELP successfully implemented the tools: PAYMENT PORTAL , AUTOMATIC DEBIT, CHARGING BY E-MAIL, WHATSAPP AND PAGA MOBILE APP.
Corporate Client
One of the most prestigious car companies in the world, with a 5-star service like Chevystar represented by ITURAN, decided to entrust the collection of annual service renewals on all vehicles through ELP. We implement together the services of: IVR CALL, CHARGE BY WHATSAPP, SMS, E-MAIL.
LATAM Corporate Client

A small sample of those who use our payment technologies

There are more than 1,500 success stories … tell us, ¿what can we do for your company?

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